Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ellen Thesleff (1869-1954) wrote in the summer of 1915 letter to his sister, Thyra Castrén,

Before and Now Reports and speeches Ellen Thesleff painter's body - how to tell the artist's life?
Written by Hanna-Reetta Schreck Published on Wednesday, 25 June 2014, at 9:07. Content category: Reviews and speeches Keywords: 1800s, biography, biography of the research, the artist
Ellen Thesleff (1869-1954) wrote in the summer of 1915 letter to his sister, Thyra Castrén, "I work like a god!" [1] This small statement, which I have cut out the broader context of a long letter, crystallizes many reasons why I left in 2008 to write a biography Ellen Thesleff companies.
Thesleff ended up at an early age to choose elämänurakseen etis Practising as an artist. But who was this art of self from the 1890s to the 1950s maintained, Swedish noblewoman? Why and how he likened himself and his work in human mifttakaavasta of view, the highest possible creative force? What ideals of his time, and on the other hand your life that are important for the operating conditions in that he was able to refer to the shouts? Biographical research object and place
Biography writing is the life (bios - life and graphein - to write). It is the story of another. Biography of writing as a form of indication of a person's optimism and belief in some kind of possibility to organize a chaotic and haphazard in our lives. Biography seeks space, where life would be a beginning, middle and an end. At the same time life events linkittyisivät some kind of causal link through.
Biographer etis through the reader to relate oneself to another, and the chance of another person throughout a woman's life perception and understanding. - Or whether? At least the reader will get the illusion of an entire life, and with the pedestrian journey in the world. Life of the narrator's mission is to build all the randomness coherent story or a story. Although the times to collect all possible data object etis if data is unattainable always a multiple of the number of more. Causal etis link in addition to the life story should be a meaningful narrative (narrative sense). [2] Juonellisuus is seen as an activity to the researcher, because none of the past is finally set the researcher's narrative solutions. [3]
History, etis cultural and gender research at the Millennium fold forward spoken etis biographical turn of events. However, in such a way that the new wave is not a traditional biographical approach of, because we live in a freer relation to the mighty or the powerful history. Instead, the individual's history is thought to be easy to approach the bus to the past. Biographical etis perspective can serve as a window to explore more complex problems of the individual etis starting points.
Already translated into linguistic brought up the idea that language is not only reflect reality but also to build it in a decisive manner. The author is always cultural conventions, language and memory processes shaped by, and he can never provide a direct experience of the experience. Thus, for example, autobiographies can not provide a direct window to the real world.
Italian philosopher Adriana Cavarero has stated that another's life story narrative is a very human activity, because we yearn for someone else to tell us. Thus we are a kind of revelation. etis Cavareron of the philosophy of looking for answers to the question "what" a person is, while the narration (story or a narrative [4]) is looking for answers to the question "who" a person is. We have already from birth until the second subordinate to the narrative, etis as we can not know everything etis or nothing without the other story told. Human life and it told the story of the relationship between the separation is not the case, but rather the voltage and the relationship that stretches from the life and tell the story from. We are aware of the discursive "ourselves," the fact that we each have our own unique and toisintamaton story. [5]
But all that is possible and also right to tell another person's life or your own life? It is absolutely impossible to ever be able to write everything and at the same time a huge amount of material things, of associations, intentions, thoughts, and events will remain out of reach. Cavarero reflecting on how life in the end will have an opportunity to look back and see the life course of any shape or planning, etis which has been, and may have some meaning. This importance etis can see the "other" who consider life traces left. For example, the myth of the hero Oedipus learned and understood who he is, only through the speech of others. [6] Thesleff biography of construction and structuring of
The life story narrative requires the other person's understanding of the story and its sanallistamista. Each leave behind a life story, but it may never be revealed. [

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