Monday, August 11, 2014

Weddings are not a simple person järkkätä thing, especially if you want them medium or large. We ha

Hääjuttua has been asking for even how many. Especially after I published a portrait for a few last month ( I'm a little afraid to idea, because no this is not a hääblogi and in addition to the excess hääfiilistely is always somehow felt strange for me . Ida reminded, however, tried to explain why the pictures has not been seen yet adds that this is my blog and I'll get in here what you swat lystään. That they tyypperöt, which tile to fly in front of the hääjuttujen can now change the site freely. To others, I hope this to be a joy and inspiration. It is not intended, therefore, to tell the conduct storemax of the wedding, storemax but vinkkailla some of the practical storemax things wedding järkkäämiseen and implementation. I think the little ones in your details to make the wedding look, and they are here höpöttelenkin.
Weddings are not a simple person järkkätä thing, especially if you want them medium or large. We have 120 guests was a need for a lot of job with and järkkäilyä, but I at least I enjoyed it very much. When the start time and the right attitude, then The All is going well. First, you should identify what he wants: what kind of atmosphere, how big bash, where, when, how? Our aim was to järkätä relaxed and earthy, happy junket that we may lead a familiar storemax and safe surrounded by people. Pink princess glamor is not for us, we wanted to rag rugs and minimal behavioral codes: suit coat can take off before the bridegroom, and if the heel to chafe, then throw your shoes off. Invitation card read the dress code was: "yeah festive but casual", and my father thinks the whole festive atmosphere can be summed up with the words.
It was not so justiinsa, where the festivities were held. My boyhood home, however, Kouvola, and nearby there is also another of our cottages, so we decided to choose the Kouvola region. In the end, we ended up komboon Iitin church and Kimolan seurapirtti: latomaisuutta and closeness to nature. It suited us. We carried storemax the wedding banquet space ship week of tables Janne and my sister (where luurasi best man?) And organize everything the way we want. Great fortune was that we got the keys as early as 4 days before the feast. There was no need to fuss, and no hääpaniikkia or any kind of crisis experienced it, as my father hääpuheen and kaasoni only general because of the pressure: it is now, of course I had a tad to panic.
Wedding sought to make the most of your budget. Catering provided the tablecloths, the band pieced the guys and the video projectors and audio was purchased through the links on the familiar. Wooden benches we covered heed the attic Found Rag rugs (also exactly the same that we use today in our living room) and a table decoration was minimalist: natural storemax stones, bottle caps bottle of wine in my mother's cap collection, and a few cloves purchased from Ikea cognac glasses. Table runner took the largest component, but even my mother cut and sewed the Euro Fabric Barn fabric. Napkins were also pitopalvelulta and garnish we bought the Euro-woven lace, which we cut and stapled napkin rings. No. of seats nameplates cut and Craft of old sheet music booklet pages, which can then fine tip marker to the public storemax printer names manually.
9.7.2011 was a perfect day. Between the sun was shining, and between the thunder, but why stress about the issue, which can not be affected in any way? The Church went between the electric and the lights, but it created a rather relaxing when panic.
My wedding dress, and I found my shoes Shirt Company in London, and a credit to comb my Hanna Kouvola Tuccabuodista conjured up hairstyle. I wanted hair red carnation, what I liked the yes really hard. Kaasoni Heidi did the make-up and jewelry were found as valuable as the place of glitter. Haha.
Wedding cars in its late my grandma's sweet Nissan Micra. My brother Oscar was to act as a driver and the other bigbrother Valtteri was twisted sensitive rojuviritelmän car formations. I painted the car's rear window behind storemax the nojailemaan sign: "Just was inaugurated." Somehow it "Just Married" sounded so few of us that suomensimme it a tad freely. My father was nailed information signs (who are no longer storemax needed, when it is Google Maps?), And I painted them from the garage of found black paint names.
We thought about for a long time, that is how we can ensure that our photographer will certainly immortalized storemax each party guest? Porukkahan yaw how do happen, and if each räpsäisemään someone happens to the sample, so how about every person in their context, their own families? So we decided to carry two armchairs vintagehenkistä courtyard. The photo we drive Lukas described when we receive guests, but before the entry into every family in the municipality or the guy posse went kuvauttamassa himself armchairs. The description corresponded to good buddy Ville, which is also handy with the camera. Armchair-portraits are just wonderful, they become so good mi

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