Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Front is like a restaurant as a general statement. A table to eat the 6-7 table, but when I walk in

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I will talk about the attractions of neighboring Myanmar partco us what it is. "Golden Rock" or "Jaime mask that the" in Mon language is known as one of the most popular is that. The magic of the stone giant golden hanging on the edge of faith is seen in travel brochures always. Travel stories are narrated partco below may differ from the narratives of many people. Both group tours and backpacking tourists because this time we will go to the local residents or people they came. Out.. Island Tight The bus is leaving me
Rangoon at three o'clock "frescoes Ba ... Kim medicine, partco pharmacy, medicine, pharmacy ..." (I'm not alright ...) Stage Coach Ho Young Tong Sarong in touch. Mike took the microphone open Exchanges Sukhoi full. Greeted the passengers on the bus trip o'clock. partco He describes the route and Spender stretches for nearly ten minutes, Mike refuses to leave. While running a bus to Vienna in Yangon city to pick up passengers at various points in a full hour. Before heading to the city Kyaikhto in Mon State.
After dozing off for a few hours. Pali prayer partco style Burma rise up like a melody, India was abandoned. Amid the darkness All lights in the bus were turned over. The Story (emotional about the bus to Bangkok. Open to passengers before opening fire alarm Mo) before the car parked in front of one of the many restaurants that lined up in a row in the dark. All this time it had just hit two drivers to say "my partco way" while the other passengers. Skirmish took belongings from the car and walk into the restaurant, the "Sun King" We went after him, though. Still drowsy and confused
Front is like a restaurant as a general statement. A table to eat the 6-7 table, but when I walk into the shop becomes a raised wooden patio waist level. The yard is divided into left and right sides of the walkway in the middle. On arrival, each Amepodpremtmeplg picked up a pillow, blanket, spread out and lay down the Rams full court. People who are not prepared partco bedding with pillows that are available for rent at the price of 100-200 kyat (3-6 baht) of the mattress with another person less than 500 kyat (16 baht) if a hotel for tourists. row and then have to pay $ 50 (1,500 baht) is very low.
Not up to the morning light airplane dividend will be Hmph brought up again at 4 am to be the most annoying sound in the morning like this. But for people here (Including partco the Icon Land), he used it. The local power Government for the people to come out to their neighbors payout own power now, but the people partco rose up mattress store. Bowl of water with a toothbrush and a towel draped on his shoulder, walking to the bathroom at the back of the store, which is divided into sections. The first part is preparing to launch a bath tub full of water in concrete. Part two is a cubicle. Separated shower opposite. The room is dark because no light. The light that fell into a bedroom area, making it a brick two before. Place it on a flat surface This is a great pedal for errands. No bowl or support any holes. Equipped with a handwritten sign that doodle. "Urine is hard to piss on the floor" with the dark he could barely make it to the foot pedal is connected by brick, partco but the gap between the two pieces into a brick hard. Therefore cognizant that there are people who break the front label. Not loaded !!!!! upstairs ... So the sleepy little eyes light up immediately.
Tap pan Caen Curry's stores interspersed with shouts orders race with the frequency generator and more. While the smell The breakfast floats stink over the area. Uncles, aunts, little children dressed up orange powder pan-Naga. Your maid of gold and some golden collar and full sleeves partco for this particular job.
When everything is ready We went to the bus station, not far from the restaurant. Six passenger cars parked everywhere. partco We can choose any one you like the percentage of units that will be issued before the passengers. Whenever a piece of wood that runs across the car seat was occupied full-ian's tight crowd can not have that. To take out car I sat in the back row, where the advantages of it is. Do not have anyone to push back the uncomfortable. But as a point of the adventurous partco and dangerous it is.
Here, most people flock together as a family. Both parents and children, uncles, aunts, grandparents, coming out of the house. I will have to come together as a honeymoon couple. A young back row next to us. When the trunk was packed full and not empty. Species that are barely ahead lap sitting in the back row. Each sedentary because Jive did not.
Buses leave the station and climb up the winding. This time everyone is trying to stabilize the car when accelerating uphill so horribly tossed around like a roller coaster ride. But more than this, for no seat belt. I looked partco down into the abyss below. Living people huddling together as the anchor to rebound fell to bottom. Remember the last time I came here. Colleagues, many of them were provoked Chase driver traveling down the road and walk on their own. But now tell you that. If possible, it would be like this. It is on these tortures on both dizziness and adventurous. Still, the car

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