Saturday, November 15, 2014

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Light is raining. Sundhi scent of wet soil in India is just like as well. The division of these countries are so fake, right? India! What China! Air and soil are the same then? Very few people on the street. Some children are running and cycling aces stray older people are out on a morning walk.
Suddenly far away can hear the sound of the bell stroke. Even with the sound of a woman who has been declared in the Chinese tongue. Shows that after a while the front is a railway line. And a train is coming. This announcement Rahgiron is reported to be close to the railway gate. I'll stop there. The train comes in a beige color. Is probably the boxcar. Is smaller in size than the trains of Indian Railways. After opening the gate while crossing the railway line I see the lineman who is eating something from a rounded bowl. Slow music is playing on the radio. He is watching me from afar. I'll take the other side his eyes in confusion. Further away to eat something in exchange is a statue of a lion's mouth opened and then written in Chinese script is below. caso I have Chinese characters in Japanese script caso searching for them in the mouth of the lion'm Jhakta. Maybe someone whom he has swallowed. Unfortunately, caso just a stone inside.
Indian tandoor, a young man is looking for something that looks like two large canisters. I'm caso watching him from afar. Is a great little bag on the shoulder of the young man. Which is filled out with some things canisters. The young man has come close to me, blushing slightly. Take your bags in a snap and he immediately becomes the NAU. Tandoor caso two large canister that looks like they are actually dustbin. They refuse and other garbage is awash lots. Reminds caso me of India. Clean trash here in China, who can fill up your stomach? I Khll unnecessarily caso put into his work. What is the truth of the claims caso of the progress of China's economy here? Probably yes. Do not know?
After walking some distance is a major road. Perhaps highway. The service lane highway along I'll start running. A median size of the rivulet flowing on the left of the road which is like a small canal. There is so dirty. Plants are fitted with gutter. On the right side are the pillars of light. Light still burns. Maybe some time in the morning to closing their set. I'm caso going to run walks. But I realize that my focus is constantly on the road, such as a Chinese tongue speaking on the radio. The sound is coming from where? Close look reveals caso that began around speaking strut. Stand each other and spaced pillars are removed exactly the same sounds. These are a good start pillared Spikar caso above. Declaration constantly being adapted in Chinese language. In between is playing music. Never assume radio, Akashawani not ever think that the Chinese version, on which the "Prime Minister's Employment Scheme 'is being briefed. But Announcements much. The music is very low. Prapganda (Mtprchar) is probably similar. Cambodia's Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot movement I remembered caso the time in which the Maoist Maoist-related announcements on loudspeakers continually broadcast in labor colonies we used to do. Who was forced everyone to hear. Children grow up hearing all the same. And whoever takes to take care of Pol Pot were the ideals different from the child Hinsnk they did not hesitate to death.
These poles are coming from maybe not such announcements. Never on the official loudspeakers eyes I ever saw mechanism. How important thing now is to know that our governments Prapganda. A two coming from the front. Indian Moped remembered. The old man is sitting on a moped. Hello I am seeing her folded hands. He slowed his moped in response to me in Chinese "Free Hao '(ie hello) greets speak your neck is bowed. I am greeted again by bending the neck. Expressions of joy and amazement on the face of the old man, both are showing me clean. Maybe the old man is wondering what's going on here is that the brown man. We move on.
The two older women and a man ahead of me are gone. Walking women and men are turned around while my arm and shoulder exercises. Suddenly they began to plant an old woman heading down the road and go. I'm surprised to see this. I do not know what is going to. Maybe urination? Oh she was so Feki a plastic bottle of Coca-Cola is bringing them out of the bushes. How many people are conscious caso of China for cleaning. And how sharp eyes of the old woman who may seek plastic bottle away in the bushes. Wow. Women again become involved with their peers. A black cat is a way to cut in front of me. I'll stop there. My modernity and tradition has now begun to fight.
Related caso Posted by Abhishek Avtans in China, Conversations of Life, Hindi, Life, Society, Story, Travel, Travelogue Tagged: China, China, China Travel, Chinese Language, Chinese script, Hindi, China, Indian in China, Khmer Rouge, morning , pol pot, travel in China Post navigation
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