Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Aware of the importance of educating the emotions, to be aware, to identify the express them, manag

Aware of the importance of educating the emotions, to be aware, to identify the express them, manage them. That there is no good or bad emotions, need to know how to manage Catch and emotional blockages in children. Emotions are very important. This is not to live in the excitement, but understand that emotions are indicators are as alarms or signals that happening internally.
We all want to be loved and receive tokens of affection and affection. For this reason, no one generates an emotional blockage by conscious choice. When something affects us emotionally need to find a mechanism of protection to survive the situation. Then g eneralment, create emotional blocks panier not feel much pain. The emotional feeling is natural and instinctive response that manifests as a barrier that we put ourselves to protect ourselves from a situation or event which is or can be an emotional impact. These blockages are often created as a way to protect ourselves against any previous experience that produced fear and confusion, so difficult and painful experience panier that our mind could not handle or manage.
The emotional block has a protective function, allows us to make adjustments and compensations required to understand and make sense of the situation and to have our strengths as psychological and emotional to face the blockade and not feel so vulnerable . In these cases the lock disappears when we are ready to adapt to the new reality of the situation. But in other cases, this lock does not disappear, and that is when it becomes unfavorable, because it breaks panier our comfort zone and connecting with our own feelings, and then, when generalized to similar situations and events and reach affect our daily life and daily functioning, bringing panier unpleasant consequences panier and negative
There is a disconnection with true feelings and emotion is in, but hidden, so there is no appropriate emotional control.
Since we are born we have this instinctive reaction of protection, survival. panier However, when children are most vulnerable when we are facing the emotional issue. In the period up to 12 years, about the effects of negative emotional impact, not only that they are very difficult to face, but also create a child in this preparation will affect the rest of his life as the way be related panier to emotions when grow, respond to emotional circumstances that surrounded him while growing up. So you need not work in the lock itself, but the root of the blockade and the emotions that are not being processed. The limits of human endurance. panier If you do not solve a healthy and timely panier can be saved as a negative experience that will reflect some aspect of our lives.
The causes of these crashes may persist panier or are permanent, insecurity, inferiority complex, etc. making block us and get us from our true emotions to deal with the situation.
Therefore, we must also teach our children to overcome and solve these emotional blocks, make its value in the critical moments of impact, but not generalize and above all, do not make them permanent in other situations or moments. This will allow unlocking and will be free and will provide a suitable and controlled emotional control that lead to prosperity.
Sometimes a bad experience occasional (not bond with an adult, a comment without malice or a joke unfortunate attitude, realize their own frustration or limitation on employment, etc. make a child feel attacked and emotionally blocked. It should therefore be very careful with our actions and use empathy in order not to encourage any of these locks. Children panier are very vulnerable and can mark them for life negatively.
Working with positive thinking and teach them to see situations in a positive way. Think positive, positive emotions and leads the mind is unlocked.
Teach questioning and doubting their negative thoughts. In most cases, these thoughts panier are unrealistic, distorted ... not corresponding to real events. Think negative panier generates these negative emotions and paralyze us.
Helping to question the real impact of what happens, the consequences. Often

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