Monday, February 10, 2014

Disaster ignorance and knowledge Estate | Dnse great wealth of knowledge landry bender because whil

Disaster ignorance and knowledge Estate | Dnse great wealth of knowledge landry bender because while we have the knowledge keeps us |
The actions mentioned in the previous chapter, we learn, is to forget him and say Ajmays | animals and humans have the same type of education | learner's initial efforts are like a scientist's experiments, by which the path Ktinaiyo and its Durbltao and detects errors and then remove them to do Bottling | these efforts it takes at least that much of life in which things do not succeed in that job and then leaves them |
Learn the basis of mental efficiency, psychologists have painstakingly studied the subject and have attempted to find out which of the measures or devices that can be used to stimulate the action of learning, ie learning a great If customs is?
Search result of these initial efforts of psychologists first suggestion is very smooth slowly, quietly and without anxiety should | start learning a thing or bullish floors haste is quite unfair to | be a natural mistake is | to be afraid of them or do not bother landry bender | The aim of student proficiency, it would not be able to work, but that only works when it feels like to feel | that, it turns out research psychology Full speed at the start of the working people who tried, he could rarely get it to work perfectly in the beginning of the logo slowly, surely work in the spirit of made the effort and fast speed of - editing At the end sought landry bender to be attained success rates Sbo |
The same rule applies to every type of learning that should NEVER start temerity | Mistakes are inevitable, but they should not discourage landry bender anyone, an

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