Monday, May 26, 2014

Mood: hzhz Music: Zero - Acid Rain Tapeur: opus 2 @ Backstage

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Mood: hzhz Music: Zero - Acid Rain Tapeur: opus 2 @ Backstage
We drove quite a funny - just closed the trunk back to back, it was all great luck that everything fits in the trunk without any problems, and we have not carried in the cabin. There and it was crowded with three people. Inside, we did not smoke and I just figured, where there should be a stop to all smoked, and I combined business with harmful. Stopped at the island, catalogue tupperware I watched him for a long time. One time I was driving catalogue tupperware along this route twice a month for two years, and I know it more than heart. Island from the other side back to Tomsk funny enter. When you're at the entrance to the city and you still have 10 kilometers, catalogue tupperware its lights already seen - it's like in the old toys - there is a certain pattern, which is the path of never approaching and moving away. Then begins a small forest belt, and the right of the road there is a fairly straightforward sculpture, which briefly says "Tomsk" around with this - pine and birch. Then another 500 meters - on the left of the road any cafe, kebab and salad, catalogue tupperware right - what that polulesnaya rubbish and dump. Then turn right and suddenly before catalogue tupperware his eyes and the bridge appears as suddenly you see that there is a city. From the bridge begins. I always had the feeling that Tomsk - an island. It enter the bridge, and somewhere on the other hand it is also surrounded by water or ditch. Tom in the area now looks more like a fortress moat of the 20th century, and not the river. We went to the festival, and came to the wedding. It was a surprise. I really wanted to stay in Olu Sanya, but was not ready for this - it was like a bolt from the blue, although sooner or later phenomenon was predictable and obvious. They smiled a lot. I smiled too. Eyes do not lose, do not swallow toothpaste After that we went to Gleb and began to wait for it, he was the master of ceremonies zvukorezhissiroval. Went for a walk. We walked for a long time. After my vyezdok in Tomsk, has a place, which became known as "went to photograph Kurskova" from the fact that when someone or something ridiculous on the other said, "I feel that he was here in your picture." I was already tired and went to Van Ryabov, where I found a MIDI keyboard catalogue tupperware and just stood there to redo everything, and what killed the night. The next day, in fact, happened is an ambiguous event, after two hours we packed up the whole scene, and taken all raskommutirovyvali equipment back, and then he walked to Gleb. My ears were ringing badly, I randomly uttered some text, poorly aware of what I say. It was the terrible fatigue. Then talked a lot, shared with all sorts of experiences, and eventually decided to go to the store for anthrax "tequila rowan". The store is very funny watching removing two alcoholics - one of which runs into another, which defended a similar type-alcoholic who begged her to buy alkosputnitsu "zhygulya bottle." He was sent to both, they had a deal more interesting and serious. Then both found out that they both "have ... and help." Moreover, it was specifically cited, and I'm catalogue tupperware pretty sure they do not citrated, and said quite frankly: "Yes, I duuuura! I have and help!" Second: "Yeah???! So what are you silent, sister, bitch!". After a while, catalogue tupperware the guy they sent out and went to celebrate this event, apparently catalogue tupperware as a couple. We looked at the brandy with Vanya, I quietly said that this movie, and not a photograph. But we are no better, no. we are worse. Listened to records, from listening to the speeches of Lenin and other communists at this time refused. Vadim [hadert] was obviously not very able to listen to all that either. However, I do too. One Julia [ulkin_lj] fussed because she is very sympathetic people. It's there all sympathized. Then called Sanya Makeev said that "Olya asleep, and we're celebrating." Its all pognobili little catalogue tupperware bit, and they came to the festivities. Further catalogue tupperware events began to move several times faster. Anyway, it was cold outside and reasonable after a while began to disperse. We again got to Gleb, but I just took things and we went to sleep to Van. So, gradually come next morning, followed by lunch. Read discs, everything was packed. The only thing I did of what I wanted - to show the film Vanya that without marriage, because the film still Crimean, and it is important, where you are the night hours of exposure. But to me for three days was not enough time for a normal eating and sleeping, and even about the film in general catalogue tupperware speech could not be. At lunch I went back to Gleb, for the last time. There was a car that we have finally carried off home. Anton and slightly swollen and Yegor Yegor Gleb Already

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