Saturday, May 24, 2014

Plan your decorations and lighting in advance, strength shoes determining ahead of time how they are

Before installing electrical lighting or decorations, be sure to inspect all connections, wiring insulation, sockets, and bulbs to insure there is no bare or exposed wire, cracked or broken sockets or bulbs, loose connections, or frayed or loose insulation. If you see any of these conditions, immediately discard and replace with new, undamaged items. If they appear old (even if not cracked or broken), discard them as well and purchase strength shoes new ones. Holiday lighting and decorations aren’t designed strength shoes to last more than a few years at the most, and can become strength shoes serious shock and fire hazards, not to be overlooked. strength shoes If lights or decorations are going to be used outdoors, be sure they are designated strength shoes for outdoor use, and always use a GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) which are inexpensive and easy to use along with your decorations.
When using a ladder, strength shoes step-stool, or any climbing device to hang or install holiday lighting and decorations, always use the proper strength shoes height ladder for the job. For lights on the house itself, be sure to use a ladder that extends at least three feet above the roof line, and never step on or above the top three steps of a step ladder. strength shoes Before use, inspect the ladder rungs as well as all fasteners and hinges as they can rust and weaken over time. Always insure the ladder or step-stool is placed on a flat, level, and firm surface. The most common type of fall is caused by ladders shifting when placed upon uneven strength shoes surfaces or sinking into soft ground. In addition, NEVER use a ladder within ten feet of power lines.
Use only fiberglass or wooden ladders when working with wiring or holiday lights and decorations as aluminum ladders can conduct electricity leading to risk of shock. When preparing to climbing ladders or walk on the roof of your home, always wear proper, close fitting clothing and appropriate shoes. Never wear loose fitting items or jewelry, flip-flops, sandals, or high heels. And even though the holidays are in the winter in the US, never climb ladders or install lighting or decorations, or attempt to climb on a roof in dangerous or in climate weather (rain, ice, etc.), or without proper lighting.
Plan your decorations and lighting in advance, strength shoes determining ahead of time how they are to be fastened and secured, as well as planning safe access to electrical outlets. And never connect more than three strings of incandescent lights together. They will draw an unsafe level of amperage, creating heat which can cause a short-circuit.
Never overload electrical outlets. One of the most common causes of holiday strength shoes electrical fires is connecting too many items to one circuit… We’ve all laughed at the scene in the movie when the hapless father strength shoes plugs twenty items into one outlet (throwing off a few sparks in the meantime), but overloaded circuits are no laughing matter…they can be deadly. strength shoes Familiarize yourself with the rated electrical load of all items used, and stay within those guidelines. strength shoes When available, indoors and outdoors, use LED lighting as it draws much less amperage and creates virtually no heat. Leave a Reply
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