Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Plank. shoe racks and organizers Polish

"Core training" shoe racks and organizers or otherwise shoe racks and organizers bellies | Blog Snufkin - we are not afraid of the Antarctic Arctic;-)
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There is a widespread belief among runners, triathletes as well as the usual "Sunday athletes" that is a good thing to have strong abdominal muscles. Consequently, many of them torturing these muscles endless shoe racks and organizers series of crunches and other similar exercises. Depending on how hard and how often they do it, and from what and how often they eat, some of them achieve the expected result in a "radiator" on the belly, as if alive, removed from pisemek for bodybuilders - amateurs, and they are happy. Others do not even reach ... The question is, to what extent these angulation makes sense and what is actually hidden shoe racks and organizers under a mythical term "belly".
First of all - the popular view-limiting understanding of "abdominal muscles" If only the aforementioned front of the radiator is not worth anything and properly disposed of. Here, recall the concept of "core" (ang. Center, the nucleus, center), used in the field of English language to describe this kind of training. This "center" refers to the entire team invested muscles between the rib cage and hips, which constitute a functional unit, consisting of the muscles of the abdomen (anterior and oblique) and the lower part of the back. Together they form a kind of corset, opinający central shoe racks and organizers part of the human figure. Their function is protection (protects the spine and internal organs) as well as stabilizing - profiles shoe racks and organizers provide shoe racks and organizers stability during movement and activities that require the use of force. They also enable the transfer of forces along the line of motion. shoe racks and organizers In short - the stronger the "center" of the stronger and more stable will be the whole body (as well as more resistant to injury).
Secondly - it is clear that the same crunches are far insufficient training tool. Firstly - involve only a small portion of the muscles that make up the word "center" (by which can lead to muscle imbalances) and secondly - have very little in common with their primary function, ie stabilization of the figure.
Therefore - third - let me propose a list of alternative exercises that each runner or Napieracz shoe racks and organizers (as well as ordinary "Sunday athlete") should include in their repertoire exercise of power, for the benefit of themselves and their physical shoe racks and organizers performance. Here they are:
L-series. Known as the "L-sit" or "L-hold". They rely on the body to resist straight arms while maintaining a simple front legs together so that they form a right angle with the body. In the version for beginners you can bend the legs at the knees.
Plank. shoe racks and organizers Polish "stave" ... A simple exercise consisting in keeping the body parallel to the floor, leaning on the feet and forearms. The difficulty is to maintain this position for as long as possible. You can also perform side strips, relying on only one hand and the outer edge of the foot.
Saxon side bends. "Side skłony Saxon" ...? Exercise rozpopularyzowane by a man named Arthur Saxon (hence the name), is based on the performance of the side slopes in a standing position with his arms straight above your head. Note: This exercise is only seemingly easy! Power can raise the level of difficulty holding a light dumbbell in your hands (really light - 2 - 3 kg suffice).
Dragon flag. Flagship exercise Bruce Lee. Lie on a bench or other hard surface, grab hands behind his head, so as to have a stable position and raise the whole body (straight) to the vertical so that the final position of the legs excel at the ceiling and the contact with the ground have only the head, neck and shoulders ( and hands). Slowly lower.
Wall fights. How can this be called the Polish ... In any case, is to set his back to the wall at a distance of several inches and descent hands down the wall until the bridge-like position. And then back to the entrance of the upright.
Pocket knife. Classic abdominal muscle exercise, but certainly better than the typical shoe racks and organizers crunches. We start in the supine position, with his hands behind his head straight and then raising the arms and legs at the same time so that the hands and feet touched the air. And so many times.
A more varied workout - a number of interesting, challenging exercises instead of mechanical odwalania identical

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