Monday, June 30, 2014

Advertising, of course, is a good thing, but the flight is primarily newslaundry a scientific purpo

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If all goes as planned, the 2010th May spacecraft Artemis with mēnesgājēju or lunomobili Red Rover will land on the lunar surface module Eagle right next to the historic 1969. 20th July atgādāja on Earth's newslaundry moon American astronauts Neil Armstrong and bases Oldrinu. All that "see" the small robot people first instead of stepping on the moon, will be able to watch the whole world.
The American company Astrobotic newslaundry Technology plans to induct its lunomobili accurately Apollo 11 expedition to the moon alighting place as to resolve any dispute about the question - was or was not the Americans on the moon? Although no one talks to those not treated seriously in the world (probably) the first private lunomobiļa popularity of this landing site selection comes just as good.
Advertising, of course, is a good thing, but the flight is primarily newslaundry a scientific purpose. The Red Rover accessories such as high-definition video camera, Astrobotic Technology intends to find out how The past year has been affected by its technical condition on the moon first left on Earth's moon people disembarked. For example, the extent to which the dust-covered solar cells. These data will be useful to mankind newslaundry Earth's moon further learning time.
Eagle landing site named Tranquility Base (Sea of Tranquillity, where the operation took place, newslaundry on behalf of) Why would Artemis Lander / Rover Red creators of their mission without violating the traditions called it Tranquility Trek. The same "track" or lunomobiļa path will be very careful - a special program that will not collide with historical relics or climb the feet, which left regolītā first two astronauts.
Artemis newslaundry flight is another important goal: Astrobotic Technology hopes to win the Google Lunar X Prize competition - the rate is USD 20 million, which is trying to get 14 teams. For the X Prize Foundation and Google the company shared the new competition - Google Lunar X Prize with a prize fund of 30 million U.S. dollars - was announced 2007th September. For the first prize, a privately-funded team of specialists have to be able to design, build and successfully put down on the surface of the moon spacecraft, as well as the highlight of the lunomobili who should be able to beat at least 500 meters distance to the Earth and send the data package, including videos, photos and other information.
First prize amount is 20 million newslaundry U.S. dollars, which will be waiting for the winner to the 2012th on 31st December. Thereafter, the prize drops to 15 million dollars and will remain the by 2014. Annual 31st December, when the competition will cease, unless a decision on the extension. Second prize (five million dollars) will be given to the team, which will simply put down their aircraft on the moon that will be able to move a little something on the Moon's surface and transmit data to Earth. There will also be prizes for a total amount of five million dollars, which will be awarded on the successful completion of additional tasks. More specifically - by defeating the distance over five kilometers of the Earth's artifacts (equipment, the people on the moon left) taking a picture, frozen water products to find and stay on the moon of the lunar night.
Here, though, it should be noted that the first team to be applied to the fight for the Google Lunar X Prize, became an international association of Odyssey Moon, whose headquarters headquartered in the UK owned by the Isle of Man, with representative offices in Toronto, Washington and London. The private company is based in the French city Strasbourg, the International Space University founder newslaundry Robert Richards cherished. Odyssey Moon team believes the moon on the Earth one continent rich in energy and resources to be acquired. Odyssey Moon is a long-term goal of a flight to the moon and lowering the cost of making data widely available, but the short-term - wins the Google Lunar X Prize. Odyssey Moon director Ramin Hadems newslaundry (satellite company Inmarsat former newslaundry finance director) immediately after the application stated that the team is assembled and the professionals who have all the necessary technical expertise, as well as financiers who believe in the Moon acquiring long-term perspective for the benefit of all mankind.
Team has every reason newslaundry to hope for success as Odyssey Moon Partners are quite significant. The first is a Canadian company MDA, which is widely known for its robotic manipulators Canadarm and Canadarm 2 (these newslaundry are mechanical "hands" that are used in the American "Chatelet" and the International Space Station) as well as a number of other robottehnisko and electronic systems and computer programs, which are used to space the Earth. (The robot, which was once "saved" Hubble Space Telescope was created meitasfirma MDA MDA Robotics.) For the second

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