Thursday, December 5, 2013

I used to buy magazines, but when they were going to a decent cubby house pile, then took out the t

Hello! Decided to publish posts on Tuesdays cubby house with ideas for inspiration - and will just about the organization and decor ideas) Now, perhaps, it is worth noting that all all photos from foreign blogs and magazines, we have something no one especially not to share how he organizes or store their belongings) Moreover, it seems to me we have a problem as such does not exist, if we talk about its popularity - this is not specifically stated in the journals (except, perhaps, Fireside), and even in the programs of repair, as housing problem, the problem of the organization does not rise. The main thing that was beautiful, but the functionality of this beauty is most frequently ignored. Perhaps that is why some photos will maloprimenima Russian reality, however, cubby house this does not prevent it serve as an inspiration for us, right? :)
And the first post, unexpectedly even to herself, I decided to devote magazines, ideas for storage and organization. You buy them? I yes! Every month I buy from 3 to 5-6 new journals, mainly on the culinary theme. Those who do not mind in the end, to eviscerate individual recipes or articles cubby house put into the directory. A gloss as rooms or KhlebSol Saveur until pile pile and not know where they will have a place and how it will look. As for storage, the more you will see that mostly keep them in two ways - either put in neat rows / piles in shelves, or stored in boxes. In Moscow are sold in Ikeja and their size is perfect for magazines, but also quite possible to make them and ourselves.
As for the question of the organization it is, I see three options: Pull up interesting articles from magazines, pictures and collect them in a folder, binder. Sort logs by name: KhlebSol separately separately Saveur, cubby house and so on. Most, in my opinion cubby house convenient option - sort by month. That is all the logs for January in one pile, all in February in another, and so for each month. Because each journal inherent seasonality and if you need ideas for the new year, you see a selection of magazines in December, if Easter - then in April. And you do not need to look for a particular number in each pile, if sort by title.
If you have any ideas on organization, I would be glad if you share them! I would be able to add to the list ;-) That's what turned the first post with ideas for inspiration. If you have any requests for the next post inspiration you would like it to be about something specific, feel free to write! ;-)
thanks for the post) I also have to think how to organize magazines) true in Germany until I have them a little) and Russia threw 4 stack height of 40 cm each), the optimal cubby house solution for the organization by month) the main thing that would log sizes match) ) and that if one above the other below-I personally hate it)) I want to post about the organization of the kitchen cabinets), or in the bathroom) Reply Delete
I keep logs by name, but by months probably really convenient. Recipes do not pull out, and just when view logs, small adhesive stickers at the top of the page you like. Then when you take the magazine is very convenient, you already know where the interesting articles, but the entire log is saved, because it is not interested right now may well be interested in the future. Reply Delete
I throw out cheap magazines and expensive gloss leave)) and also tape the stickers, with colorful, one can see that this green salad, blue - fish, orange - meat, pink - dessert, etc.)) Delete
Mash, I too used to buy a lot of magazines, but not all leave, many threw out, and the remaining ikeevskih just such ikeevskih magazine stands cardboard stockpiled. Plus a "Scrap-info" cubby house I have a lot) Monthly cool idea, but it need 12 boxes, get ... Funny, considering I have them exactly cubby house 12, but if the logs of different subjects, you still do not want to involve, I will think) Thanks for the ideas and fotochki interesting! Reply Delete
I used to buy magazines, but when they were going to a decent cubby house pile, then took out the trash on or gave podrugam.Seychas magazines do not buy at all, because it was already a couple of times, what to buy, read through a few articles and laid on the shelf, and then throws. Consequently, large no-no. But my mother is collecting home, a collection of recipes, even before Cosmopolitan byl.I it my nightmare, we have a closet and it's cubby house all packed with boxes of these magazines, and I do not understand why a man so many of them, if in this cabinet it looks at best 1-2 times were secured it usually culinary magazines, and all other years lie just in case. Here, well, all I would be interested to read about the storage cubby house in the bathroom, storage in the living room, which in combination workshop and storage cabinets in the kitchen with pans and other) By the way, here's another interesting blog about organizatsiyu.Vdrug not seen it yet http://iheartorganizing.blogspo

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