Monday, December 16, 2013

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Invite you to sign in so that your forum to take part in forum discussions voicing your opinion. Registration is free. Weekdays poll: Are the electoral t fair elections?
Diseases that come from the relationship sexual HIV, bacterial vaginosis, Candida, trihomona, genital herpes, gonorrhea and syphilis, some sexually transmitted diseases foto.php_Smundjet are: HIV, bacterial vaginosis, Candida, trihomona, genital herpes, gonorrhea and syphilis. Vaginal secret often tells us more. Women have a vaginal secrecy small quantities. Vaginal secret differs from the amount, consistency. The amount of vaginal secret is to add n m Kohn few days before handed by ovulation and menstruation. Also secret jet can be added to many women who take birth control pills to have deployed or spiral. Whereas apparent decrease vaginal secret women in menopause appear. The secret is normal vaginal white colored t, but becomes yellow and a lot t er easy when contact handed by with air for reasons KEMIKAL t t intereakcionit called oxidation. When we have to BJM with sexual transmitted diseases, vaginal secret changes, becomes m thick, has CE and consistency varies. There are many different products that are sold for washing t intimate, but not those preparations are required, because the wall is too sensitive vagins and such products to cause changes and irritability. The most frequent infections are transmitted by sexual women are the relationship: Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis is an infection m NDR frequent in females, which prcillet infection with secret, with CE Rnd to fish, and burning pain. The relationship can be transferred with sex, but is not necessary. The diagnosis becomes getting strishos (secret) for laboratory examination. handed by Treated with antibiotics. Partner handed by should be treated NSE this frequently repeated. The shtatznat this infection can cause preterm birth, so the treatment is too necessary. This type of infection Candida infection handed by is not strict, which is transmitted by sexual the relationship. Presented with itching, burning and redness. Usually t appear handed by to those women who take birth control pills, antibiotics or asteroids, and during shtatznis, as well as women with sugar disease. The men presented with genital rash, but often have no symptoms. Treatment becomes the antimycotic (Canesten). Men treated vetmnse have symptoms. Trihomona infection that invades t is two genders, male and female, but the symptoms usually appear in women's. Ektij infection symptoms are secret colored to yellow or green t with CE fish, redness, burns and vagins. Sometimes this is asimtomatik infection, but the test detected Pope. Caused handed by by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis protozoa called. handed by Sexually transmitted infection in the relationship. is too dangerous handed by shtatznat, because it causes premature plcitje t t t chip amnial fluid and premature births. Becomes diagnostics laboratory tests to vaginal handed by secret, while in men, fluid from the urethra. Recovering is the indispensable partner has no symptoms although longevity. Treatment with antibiotics usually becomes the single doz Mentronidazol t (Flagyl). Herpes Simplex Virus Infection of the relationship which is transmitted handed by by sexual intercourse. When t female genital herpes virus, developed lesions similar to labial herpes around vagins and anus, then when the virus is active. Lesions may appear to single or groups of which are painful to take several weeks. Herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus. There are two types of herpes 1 and 2 t. Usually type 2 (HSV2) causes genital herpes, while herpes type 1 causes about gojs. Transferred to the relationship to unprotected sex or oral sex. Herpes can be transmitted from lkura n lkur. Ektij for diagnosing infection becomes strishos taking lesions for examination in the laboratory. Treatment becomes the antiviral drug. eg, acyclovir (Zovirax). Men have treated NSE ataqe to infection, ie., T lesions appearance, but it can be repeated after Recovering. Women such attacks occur when are under emotional stress and trauma. The genital warts infection this kind of small warts appear handed by in the vulva, vagin, anus or cervix (the men in the penis). This infection appear two or more months after unprotected marrdhnies s. Often can be infected handed by by the virus, but do not show warts and not dim or are infected by the virus or not. Warts are caused by a virus called human papilloma virus (HPV). At least 50 species this facility has the virus. Treating the infection becomes iktij The way in some. M The way the application handed by is simply called podphillin t cream which should be applied several times and have a few days to leave entirely. The way the other is freezing and burning handed by the warts. T After all treatments, lyt

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